Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 2014 Board Meetings

The Tazewell County Board met twice in May.

The first gathering on May 7, 2014, was a special meeting to originally discuss a space/needs study created for the County, but also included debate on the new International Building Code implemented in early 2014 and the need to create a search committee for the hiring of a new County Administrator upon the resignation of Michael Freilinger.

At present, all three issues are being reviewed at the Committee level.  For example, the Land Use Committee has reaffirmed its commitment to regularly review those areas of the Building Code that are not mandated by state law and work with area contractors to see what may or may not need to be amended during this initial implementation.

The Board then held its regular May meeting tonight.

The first order of business was the filling of the vacancy left by the passing of Member Mel Stanford.  The Board welcomed East Peoria resident Seth Mingus to the Board, and I am personally very excited to work with him.  I have had the pleasure of seeing Seth in action as a Fondulac Township Trustee, and know he is very thorough in his analysis of an issue and is not afraid to weigh in on tough decisions.

Among other things tonight, the Board:

1) heard a presentation from members of the new Economic Development Council and Focus Forward Central Illinois (FFCI).  For more information on these area economic initiatives for Central Illinois, click here;

2) voted to approve a physician-hospital organization agreement with Methodist/Unity Point for County Employees; and

3) learned of those Members appointed to the Search Committee for our new County Administrator.  Chairman Zimmerman advised the Request for Qualifications for the position has been posted to the County website and the Committee will meet in the near future.

The meeting ended with an opportunity for the Board to thank Mr. Freilinger for his work for Tazewell County.  I had just over a year to work with Mike, but it was obvious he legitimately cared about the best interests of the County and I wish him well in his next chapter.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

April 2014 Board Meeting

The April 30, 2014, meeting of the Tazewell County Board started with a moment of silence for Member Mel Stanford, who recently passed away.  It saddens me to write of yet another Board Member's passing, but I am very hopeful our Board continues on in a way that would make Mel and Terry proud.

The meeting then shifted to various items of business, including:

1) the unanimous adoption of a proclamation recognizing the 7th Grade Boys' Basketball Team of Washington's Central School for an undefeated, state championship season;

2) the settlement of two workers' compensation cases; and

3) the setting of salaries for the offices of County Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff, and Circuit Clerk.  

The Board also heard from a concerned resident regarding its recent adoption of the International Building Code and its impact on area contractors in the unincorporated areas of the County.

A special meeting of the Board has been set for May 7, 2014 (6:00pm), at which time the Board may address the Building Code along with the creation of a Search Committee for a new County Administrator (upon the resignation of Michael Freilinger) and discussion on the Space Needs study completed by the Farnsworth Group.

My thanks again to Chairman Zimmerman and the Board for passing the proclamation for Central School: