Thursday, December 11, 2014

The End of 2014

It is hard to believe we are less than three weeks from the start of 2015!  Over the last two months, the Tazewell County Board met at regular and special meetings to address numerous items, including:

-  Passing the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget (October 29th Meeting)

-  Approving the purchase of a storm siren replacement (Oct. 29)

-  Approving a new County Administrator Employment Agreement (Oct. 29)* 

-  Receiving an update on the status of the Pekin Landfill Cap (November 19th Meeting)

-  Receiving a presentation from NOAA certifying the County as "Storm Ready" (Nov. 19)

-  Passing a Resolution Supporting New State Transportation Capital Program (Nov. 19) 

On December 1, the Board gathered at the special time of 9:00am for its re-organizational meeting.  This meeting is required to seat those members elected at the November 4, 2014, General Election.  At that meeting, new County Board Member Mary Jo Holford of Washington was seated along with several of us who were on the previous Board, but were up for election.  I greatly look forward to working with her.

Last night, the County Board gathered to (among other things) hear a report on the safety of the Arcade Building in Pekin.  This report is related to a study the Board commissioned on the County's space needs.  The Board agreed that an immediate plan for the continued safety of the public and the tenants will take a priority while staff will look at the preservation of County records housed in the basement of the building.

* We welcomed Wendy Ferrill as our new County Administrator at our meeting on December 10, as she started on December 8.