Sunday, September 27, 2015

September Board Packet and County News


I have posted the Agenda and Board Packet for September 30 meeting over on the "Board Packets" tab of the site.  I am pleased to report the Agenda includes the proposed changes to the County Board Rules our Ad Hoc Rules Committee approved earlier this month.

I also am using this post for two other purposes: an update on the budget process, and a nice article in the Pekin Daily Times regarding the Arcade Building, which has been the reason for numerous debates by our Property Committee and full Board on its preservation.  The article can be found here.

You will also recall the Fiscal Year 2016 budget is nearing completion.  The following documents were recently made available to us by our County Auditor, Vicki Grashoff:

1.  2016 Tentative Budget Document;
2.  Recommended Amendments for Tentative Budget (included in #1); and
3.  Budget to Budget 2015-2016 percentage comparisons.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Mid-September Update

There are several new developments from Tazewell County which led me to the conclusion that I should post a mid-month update.

First, I wanted to thank our County's Chief Assessment Officer, Gary Twist, for circulating a memorandum regarding recent changes in Illinois law which he reports will increase "the benefits of exemptions for disabled Veterans on their homestead property."  If you want more information on this, please see the memo in its entirety (here).

Also, the heads of all of the Tazewell County offices have been diligently working to report to the Finance Committee of the County Board on their proposed budgets for fiscal year 2016.  If needed, the next meeting of the Finance Committee will be September 21, 2015, in the Carius Community (Board Meeting) Room at 3:30pm.  The proposed budget is still available on my blog post from August 27.  

While we do not have our board packets for our September Board Meeting available at press time, I wanted to provide you with some preliminary information on two items that will be at issue during our County Board meeting of September 30, 2015.

1) During its September 23 meeting, the Executive Committee will review the latest, proposed revisions to our County Board Rules.  Assuming they pass out of Committee, the new Rules will be one of my main items of interest on the agenda.  My thanks again to the Ad hoc Rules and Recodification Committee for their efforts.  Local newspapers have recently reported on our committee's main focus - changing the order of the Board agenda to allow for general public comment before we vote on items and allowing a reasonable opportunity to obtain permission to speak during a meeting on a particular item on the agenda.  The Journal Star recently offered an editorial on the Committee's efforts, and I also encourage our Board members to vote in favor of these (and the other) changes put forth.  All of the proposed changes will be available in our Board packets.

2) The Accounts Payable for September are available on the "Board Packets" tab.