Saturday, June 25, 2016

June Board Meeting Packet

I just posted the board packet and financial report for our June 29 meeting on the "Board Packets" tab.  Please let me know if you have any questions about anything on the agenda.

One important item appears on page 50 of the packet - the "FY 17 Budget Parameters." This item comes out of the Finance Committee.  When our Committee met last week, we discussed the guidelines we hope our county-wide office holders and other department heads will keep in mind as they prepare their budgets in these incredibly challenging financial times.  Certainly, these parameters cannot be used for every line item, but I look forward to hearing from and working with members of our team as a responsible budget starts to take shape.

If you have any question related to our upcoming budget process, please let me know.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

May Board Meeting

The Tazewell County Board convened on May 25th for its regular monthly meeting.  The meeting started with a report from the Committee charged with the re-dedication of the County Courthouse.  The public is invited to the ceremony to be held on the Courthouse lawn at 12pm on June 21, 2016.

Among numerous items on the agenda, the Board approved:

- the authorization of a Solid Waste Management Act grant for the Health Department;

- numerous low bids for road surface treatments throughout the County;

- the installation of a standby generator at the Health Department; and

- the annual fees for network and email licensing.

If you have any questions regarding these or other items on the agenda for that meeting, please let me know.

In other County news:

1) GPEDC Quarterly Report

The first quarter (2016) report from the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council has been received.  A copy can be found here for your review.

2) 2015 Audit Reports

Our external auditors recently finalized the audit of the County.  The following links are available so you can review the report(s) genereated: