Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September Board Packet

The Tazewell County Board meets tomorrow night, so I have posted the packet and financial information on the blog's related tab.  Please let me know if you have any questions on any agenda item.

In other news - 

Our County's Emergency Management Agency has also announced that September has been National Preparedness Month.  Even though September is coming to an end, there are many important things to consider throughout the year.  From the EMA's press release:

1) The campaign’s theme, “Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today”, urges people to set aside time to discuss emergency plans with family members and develop a plan to stay safe when disaster strikes. 

2) Please feel free to view a short video encouraging you to plan ahead for disasters: http://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/videos/107805.

3) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) also offers disaster preparedness information on the Ready Illinois website www.Ready.Illinois.gov , a one-stop resource for detailed information about what to do before, during and after disasters.

4) If you would like more information on emergency preparedness or planning for disasters please contact the Tazewell County Emergency Management Agency at eoc@tazewell.com or 309-925-2271.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

It's been a while!

My apologies for the long time between posts.  Since I last wrote, the County Board held its August regular meeting, and has begun its review of the Fiscal Year 2017 budget.

The August Board Packet and Accounts Payable are on the "Board Packets" page, and I also share the DRAFT minutes from the Board's August meeting here.

The original fiscal year 2017 budget in its entirety is available here.  As you can see, the original budget called for a deficit of $8.9 million.  The Finance Budget Committee met and requested that the office heads review and reconsider their budgets in light of that fact.  As of Friday afternoon, our County Finance Director, Craig Peters, has advised that the office heads have reviewed the request and the budget now shows a deficit of $5.7 million.  I am quite appreciative of their willingness to do so, and in such short order. Here is a breakdown Craig prepared to show the comparison:

If you wish to attend any Finance Budget Committee meetings to hear the latest on the budget, including everyone's efforts to consider additional options in light of the deficit, the next meetings are set for:

1) September 19 at 3:30pm;
2) September 20, immediately following the regular Finance Committee meeting.

Both of these meetings are to be held in the Carius Community Room in the County Justice Center.

In other county news:

1) An electronic recycling event is being hosted by Area Recycling and State Senator Dave Koehler from 9am - 1pm at Area Recycling, located at 14379 IL Route 29 South, Pekin. The event is free and open to the public.  If you have questions about the event (what is/is not accepted), please call 309.677.0120.

2) On August 26, 2016, Governor Rauner signed Public Act 99-900 into law.  Among other things, the law prohibits any County Board member elected or appointed after August 26 from participating in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (i.e., receiving a pension).  It also requires Board members in office before that time who still participate in IMRF to file a detailed record of their hours worked on a monthly basis.  The failure to do so will result in an immediate loss of IMRF participation.  You will recall our County Board voted to end its participation in IMRF several years ago for Board members.

This post contains a lot of information, so please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.