Saturday, February 25, 2017

February 2017


With the start of 2017, the County Board continues to review and consider many unique and important decisions.  As always, my colleagues discuss and debate them with professionalism and civility, and I am very proud to be a part of the team.

During this time, I have also considered how best to utilize this blog for future information from the County.  I will continue to post the Board packets and financial reports for your review, but I will not clog everyone's social media feeds with notices when I do so.  They will always be there before each meeting if you want to review them, and you will continue to receive email notices (if you subscribe to this blog) every time I publish a new post.  However, I will only post to my facebook page to advise of new events for the public that I have posted on the blog (see below), whether offered by the Board or any County agency.  

In terms of what occurs at Board meetings, our local media does an excellent job of informing the community on what we are doing, and I encourage you to read/listen to their work.

However, you are always welcome to contact me at for any County-related business or anything you see on the agenda.

With that in mind, I recently received notices of upcoming events:

1) The County's Emergency Management Agency is teaming up to host a Storm Spotters Class (info here);

2) The EMA is also seeking volunteers for many other services it provides (as explained here); and 

3) The County Highway Department learned that IDOT will hold a public hearing to present the current study on the removal and replacement of the eastbound span of the McClugage Bridge (U.S. 150) over the Illinois River.  The hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2017, from 5-7 p.m., at the Washington Gifted School Gymnasium located at 3706 N. Grand in Peoria.