Saturday, July 22, 2017

May, June, and July - Oh my!

In what seemed like a blink of an eye, I realized I had not put up a new post on the blog since the April Board meeting!  I have been posting agendas and board packets since that time, but felt it was important to send you all a brief update on a few important items:

1) As with all units of local government, we all are keeping a close eye on expenditures. The County Auditor recently provided us with a Second Quarter Financial Report.  A copy of it can be found here.

2) On a related note, the County is already actively preparing for the Budget cycle for the upcoming fiscal year.  This will include various meetings and hearings of the Finance Committee, and eventually, the full Board.  A calendar of the Budget calendar can be found here.  The public is welcome to attend any and all of these.

3) Finally, on the July Board agenda, you will see two "emergency declarations" for purchases.  The documents explaining the reasons behind the purchases are available on the "Board Packet" page of the blog, but since these involve a substantial amount of money without going out for bids (as authorized under the law in emergencies such as this), please feel free to contact me with any questions on them (or anything else you see on the agenda).