Wednesday, November 28, 2018

This may be goodbye, but this is not farewell.

My goal in 2018 was to avoid clogging your inbox with too many messages/posts from my blog.  However, I did not expect my next, full report after January would be my LAST in November!  Time flies, but that doesn't mean we weren't busy at the County!

2018 was no different than prior years - a dedicated, committed team of board members, county office holders, and a superb staff doing their best to serve the people of Tazewell County on countless issues.  With my term coming to an end on November 30, I will sincerely miss being a part of the team.

As promised in my last Facebook post, take a look at the Fiscal Year 2019 breakdown of the general fund.  As you can see, the hard work of our "Finance Team" and our county officials during budget time gave the board the amazing opportunity to pass that fund with a surplus!

I want to thank everyone who made my spot on the board possible - friends, family, but most importantly - the voters.  

For the time being, I look forward to focusing on my family, our family farm, and my legal career.  This may be goodbye, but this is not farewell.