Sunday, August 4, 2013

After five months...

Both before and during the July Board meeting, the members heard about and discussed many issues influencing the residents of Tazewell County.

Prior to the meeting, Chairman Zimmerman held a press conference to discuss a new program developed by Tazewell County to help lower prescription drug costs for its residents.  The plan, through ProAct, Inc., is at no cost to you or the county.  It is designed for those who do not have insurance or if something is not covered by your current insurer, and all prescription medications are covered at a discounted rate.  

If you need a card, click here for more information. 

We also heard from Vice Chairman Neuhauser about the new "Heart of Illinois 2-1-1" service.  This partnership is between the Heart of Illinois United Way and Advanced Medical Transport of Central Illinois.

While 9-1-1 remains the number for emergencies, 2-1-1 connects callers to basic needs such as food and shelter, support groups, financial assistance, protective services, and home-delivered meals for seniors.  Should an emergency arise during the course of your 2-1-1 call, you can be transferred to the 9-1-1 call center immediately.

Should you want more information on this service to share with others, you can contact Gina Edwards of the United Way at 309-674-5181 or

During the meeting, the Board approved numerous contracts for road repairs throughout the County, and approved annual recycling grant payments to municipalities (including East Peoria and Washington).

Other items acted upon by the Board included the acceptance of the resignation of County Engineer John Anderson, effective December 31, 2013.  John has been a tremendous asset to the County (and me personally in my role as counsel for township road districts and as a County Board member).  We all wish him well during his last several months at the County and during his retirement.

The Board also voted to discontinue its members' participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.  I wanted to personally thank all of the Board members for a civilized and thorough debate at our June and July meetings, and also to the many constituents who went out of their way to share their concerns with me on this issue.

The latest schedule of meetings for August is available here.

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