Monday, November 18, 2013

Prayers for Tazewell County

November 17, 2013, is a day none of us will ever forget. Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone who has suffered, and our heartfelt appreciation goes out to those helping the rescue and recovery efforts. 

Communities all over the area, state, and country have offered their support and asked for ways to help. This shows the good that can come from bad. 

Unfortunately, there are those less dedicated to recovery and focused more on financial gain. When choosing the right group for donation or in selecting a business to help in your rebuilding efforts, feel free to use this page as a resource throughout the rebuilding process. The following checklists have been  made available by the federal and state governments, with further information offered below. 


The Illinois Attorney General's office advises:

1) Donate to charities you know and trust. Be alert for charities that seem to have sprung up overnight in connection with current events such as natural disasters. 

2) Be especially careful online. Make sure the website you are visiting belongs to a legitimate, established and registered charity, and that the website and the charity match. See if other legitimate websites will link to that website. Also, make sure the site is secure. 

3) Check out the charity with the Better Business Bureau, Charity Navigator, GuideStar and the Attorney General’s office. 

4) Be wary of urgent appeals that play on your emotions for aid. Do not donate if the solicitor uses high-pressure tactics, asks for cash payment or insists on sending someone to pick up your donation.

5) Ask how much of your donation will go to the charitable work and how much will be used to pay fundraising costs. If you don’t get a clear answer — or if you don’t like the answer you get — consider donating to a different organization. 

6) Never send cash. You can’t be sure the organization will receive your donation, and you won’t have a record for tax purposes. And, don’t give out personal or financial information until you have reviewed all the information from the charity and verified its legitimacy. 

If you suspect a suspicious organization, call the Attorney General's Charitable Trust Bureau to report the solicitations at (312) 814-2595. 

FOR CHOOSING CONTRACTORS (per the Federal Emergency Management Agency) 

1) Ask contractors for proof of insurance. Be sure the contractor has both disability and workers' compensation insurance. If a contractor is uninsured, you may be liable for accidents on your property. 

2) Ask for a written estimate and check to make sure it includes everything you expect the contractor to do, as well as taxes and any other fees. Some contractors charge for an estimate, which is understandable because they are very busy after a disaster. 

3) Ask for a written contract and never sign a blank contract. The contract should include all tasks to be performed, all associated costs, payment schedule and who is responsible for applying for necessary permits and licenses. Also ask for a written guarantee. 

4) Legitimate contractors and other service providers normally do not require more than one-third as a down payment. Don't give anyone an advance payment in cash-pay by check-and make sure your payment schedule is clearly spelled out in your contract. 

The State of Illinois' Department of Professional Regulations actually licenses various professionals in Illinois (including roofers). You can find more information at


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