Saturday, May 23, 2015

May Board Packet and Latest News

May Board Packet and Accounts Payable

While warmer weather has returned to the area, the Tazewell County Board is preparing for its May meeting on the 27th.  We just received our board packets, and we also were provided with our May Accounts Payable report.  Both are available for your review by clicking on the "Board Packets" tab.

Update on 18th Congressional District Election*

The Illinois State Board of Elections has posted the dates for the upcoming Special Primary and General Elections for the vacancy in the 18th Congressional District.  Here are some important dates for you to remember (and thanks to the Tazewell County Clerk's office for providing this information):

July 7, 2015, Special Primary Election

Last Day to Register     June 9, 2015

Grace Period Registration and Voting**

First Day     June 10, 2015
Last Day     July 7, 2015

Early Voting Period

First Day     May 28, 2015
Last Day     July 6, 2015

September 10, 2015, Special General Election

Last Day to Register     August 13, 2015

Grace Period Registration and Voting**

First Day     August 14, 2015
Last Day     September 10, 2015

Early Voting Period

First Day     August 1, 2015
Last Day     September 9, 2015

* The Clerk's Office is in need of election judges for both of these elections, so if you are available, please consider serving.  There will also be information as the elections approach as to what polling places will be used for these elections.

** While there are grace periods for voter registration, please be advised that "same day registration" will be the law of Illinois starting on June 1, 2015.  To learn more about that process or anything else discussed, please contact me or the Tazewell County Clerk's Office at (309) 477-2267.

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