Thursday, August 27, 2015

August Board Meeting and the Start of Budget Season

Last night, the Tazewell County Board held its August regular meeting.  Chairman Zimmerman called the meeting to order and we held a moment of silence for Deputy Craig Whisenand and also took a moment of reflection in prayer for our County and the recent passing of community leader and former Washington Mayor Don Gronewold.

Among its first items of action, the Board appointed Greg Menold to fill the vacancy from District 2.  I have known Greg for years as the Morton Township Highway Commissioner, and I look forward to serving with him on the Board.  

The Board also, among other things approved:

1) a low bid for repairs to the Monge Building basement;
2) a low bid for tar and chip road surface treatment in Mackinaw Township; and
3) approve the immediate repair of the Pekin Landfill.

As to item 3, over this very rainy spring/early summer, several spots of erosion were found, with an estimated repair cost of $35,000.  I thank Finance Committee Chairman Neuhauser for taking the time to answer my question about future/repeated costs, when he advised that this will be a short-term investment to protect our initial capping efforts, while long-term plans will be for a line-item on landfill maintenance should we have similar rainy seasons.


The start of September means the County Board is working with Department heads on the Fiscal Year 2016 budget (12/1/15 to 11/30/16).  Last night, Board members received Budget materials, and I wanted to provide you with the following:

1) A cover letter from Auditor Grashoff explaining the latest documents;
2) A summary of all funds (with comparisons to FY 2014 and 2015); and
3) A full analysis for all proposed revenues/expenditures for FY 2016. 

I will start reviewing these documents in earnest, as our Finance Committee begins its first set of "Budget Committee" hearings/meetings on September 8.  I welcome your thoughts/comments on this Budget during this process.  

Friday, August 21, 2015

August Board Packet and Latest County News

While this post addresses numerous issues in Tazewell County, I wanted to first take a moment to thank everyone from around the area and beyond for expressing and sharing   our grief over the loss of Deputy Craig Whisenand.  We all continue to mourn his loss and pray for his family, friends, and colleagues in the Sheriff's office.


Over on the "Board Packets" tab, you will find the packet for the August board meeting and the monthly financial reports.  However, there are numerous other items I wanted to share on this blog.

1) Northern and Southern Tazewell Enterprise Zones Approved

We recently learned that the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity approved the two Enterprise Zones proposed for parts of Tazewell County.  As reported in various media outlets, until we have a state budget, they cannot be certified for the next step(s), but this is a very positive development for potential, future economic growth in our area.

Here is the press release announcing the approval and more information.  Again, a sincere "thank you" to all who worked on these applications to the state!

2) Traffic Signals in Pekin

For those of you coming to Pekin (for County business or otherwise), there is a new traffic signal plan being implemented by the City.  These new stop signs will begin on September 1st.  For more information, here is more information.

3) Interested in owning part of the McClugage Bridge?

The Illinois Department of Transportation has previously held hearings on the proposed removal and replacement of the eastbound span of the bridge carrying US 150 from Peoria to Tazewell County.  Since this project is funded in part by the federal government's "Historic Bridge Program," the old span is being offered to "any interested state, local or responsible private entity."  There are numerous qualifications, but if you are interested, letters of such interest can be sent to:

Illinois Department of Transportation
Region 3/District 4
401 Main Street
Peoria, Illinois 61602-1111
Attn: Mr. Tom Lacy, Studies and Plans Engineer

You can also contact Mr. Christopher Maushard, Project Engineer at 309.671.3453 or at the following email:

You are to respond by August 31 to be considered for potential ownership.

If you are not interested in owning the old span, but want to learn more about the replacement project, feel free to visit the project's website (here).