Friday, October 9, 2015

October Special Meeting and County Public Auction

Over the last several weeks, most of my blog entries have provided information on the County's proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2016.  Next Tuesday (October 13), the full County Board will have a special meeting (called our "Tentative Budget Meeting") so all of our members will have a chance to review and comment on the latest plan for next year. A final vote on the budget will occur later in the month.

The Tentative Budget Meeting will be held in the County Board Room (Carius Community Room at the Justice Center) at 6:00pm.  As with all other meetings of the Board, the public is invited to attend.


Also, an auction of some of the County's "surplus" equipment will be held at the County's Tremont campus on October 31.  The auction begins at 10:00am.  To learn more about the sale, you can view the flyer here.

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