Monday, January 11, 2016

January 2016 Special Board Meeting

Happy New Year, everyone!

It is hard to believe 2016 is here, but with it comes two County Board meetings in January.  In addition to our regular meeting on January 27, a special meeting has been called for this Wednesday, January 13, 2016.

The agenda and packet appear on the "Board Packets" tab of this blog.  As you can see, the meeting will focus on renewing the energy aggregation agreement with Good Energy, L.P.  This meeting is necessary to renew the agreement before the original expires.

As always, let me know if you have any questions about what you see on the agenda.

In other County news:

-  The County is in desperate need of election judges for the Primary on March 15, 2016.  

According to the Election Office, they work with five judges in each precinct during Presidential election years (including 2016).  As of today, they need 124 more to cover shortfalls.  This does not include extra judges in case an assigned judge gets ill or is otherwise unable to serve.

If you have any ability to serve, please consider contacting the County Clerk's Election Office at 309.477.2267.

-  County Health Department Presentation

On January 28, the Tazewell County Health Department will host a presentation on lessons learned from the recent outbreaks of Ebola in Africa, including a look at isolation, quarantines, and how such a situation would be handled locally (with any disease, including such common examples as tuberculosis or measles).

RSVP to the Health Department are due no later than January 22 - 309.925.5511.

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