Monday, February 29, 2016

February Board Meeting

Last Wednesday, the Tazewell County Board held its regular February meeting.

While I was unable to attend (due to an important family obligation at our church), I wanted to send out a report on the meeting and some new announcements from the County.

I have learned everything on the consent agenda passed except for the item related to the proposed contract with the Economic Development Council.  That contract was sent back to Executive Committee, so there will be further discussion there before the full Board sees it again.

If you have any follow up questions, please let me know.


In other news, the Tazewell County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is having a busy March with two events worth noting.

First, the EMA is seeking volunteers for the following teams: 

* Search and Rescue
* Damage Assessment
* Unified Command Post
* Communications

There are several entry level qualifications (County resident, etc.), but you are encouraged to contact the EMA with any questions or attend an Open House on March 6 from 2-4pm at the Emergency Operations Center at 21304 State Route 9, Tremont to learn more.  

Secondly, the EMA has announced a "storm spotter" training session that will be hosted by the National Weather Service at the Par-A-Dice Hotel on March 14 at 6:30pm.  There is no cost, and will take approximately three hours.  

If you have questions on either event, please contact the EMA at (309) 925-2271.

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