Monday, July 25, 2016

July Board Packet and Financials

Tonight, I uploaded the packet for the July 27 board meeting, along with the accounts payable report. Please let me know if you have any questions on the items appearing for consideration, but I wanted to take a moment to thank all of our election judges who will be officially appointed for the November election during the board meeting.  November 8 could be a very long day for those judges and our County Elections Department, so I encourage you to also thank them when you go vote (either on Election Day or during early voting).

This fall will also bring our Finance Committee together in special sessions to review the draft Fiscal Year 2017 budget.  The calendar of budget meetings has just been released, and if you are interested, please feel free to attend any of the following:

September 6, 3:30pm - Finance Committee
September 14, 3:30pm - Finance Committee
September 19, 3:30pm - Finance Committee (if needed)
October 10, 6:00pm - Tentative Budget presentation to full County Board
October 26, immediately after County Board - Final Budget Hearing 

All meetings will be held in the Carius Community Room (101 S. Capitol Street, Pekin).

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