Sunday, November 27, 2016

November Board Meeting

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  The Tazewell County Board held its last, regularly scheduled meeting of 2016 on November 16.  Both the board packet and the financial reports are available on the "Board Packets" tab on the blog.

At the beginning of the meeting, Chairman Zimmerman called up retiring Auditor Vicki Grashoff to honor her for the many years of service she gave to the County.  I would also like to thank her for all she has taught me in my few short years serving on the Board.

In other business, the Board:

1) Approved the County Engineer's request to take bids for various new bridge and road projects for the coming year;

2) Approved further intergovernmental agreements for Animal and Rabies Control with additional municipalities in the County; and

3) Moved to reconsider the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget.

The motion to reconsider was to address the need to recalculate the amount in the contingency line item in the General Fund.  The recalculation was actually a reduction in the line item.  The change was approved and the new budget adopted.

The Board was also presented with a "Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Reduction Plan," which outlines many of the parameters put in place for the County electeds and department heads when making financial-related decisions in the upcoming year.  While this cannot be a "one size fits all" plan, I applaud our finance team for putting this together.  Of particular note:

1) There will be no new full-time employee hires in 2017;

2) A freeze on replacement hires of at least 150 days will begin immediately;

3) Department heads will be given the option of not filling a position and distributing the duties to remaining employees;

4) A budget committee will be formed of certain board committee chairs and the county administrator; and

5) A budget reduction committee will also be formed, consisting of electeds and department heads to constantly review the status of the budget and assess other needs throughout the year.


I will likely post a final update after our Board is "reorganized" with our new members in early December.  However, I would like to thank my fellow Board members who will no longer be serving with us after November 16.  It has been a pleasure working with you.

That being said, I must also say something about another prior Board member, whom we lost forever last week - Paul Hahn.  For those of you who may not remember, I got to know Paul during the 2012 election, and when he resigned to focus on his health, he went out of his way to recommend I take his seat.  As I got ready to be sworn in, I recall many conversations with Paul, both on the phone and one chat as we walked around his beloved winery in Mackinaw.  I will never forget the main theme of all of those conversations - do not lose sight of why you are on the Board - to serve the best interests of the people, and to keep the costs of the taxpayer down when they want to utilize the services of their government.  I will always remember our chats and will think of Paul often.  

Saturday, October 29, 2016

October Board Meeting and Budget/Levy Reports

On October 26, the County Board held its regular monthly meeting, but then held its annual Budget and Levy Hearing immediately thereafter.

During the regular meeting, the Board, among other things, voted to approve:

1) numerous intergovernmental agreements with cities and villages in the County for animal and rabies control services;

2) the County Engineer's salary; and

3) the proposed rules and regulations for the Sheriff's Merit Commission.

To learn more about these issues and the full agenda, you are welcome to click over to the "Board Packets" section of the blog to read the related resolutions and documents.

* * *

Immediately following the Board meeting, the annual Budget and Levy Hearing was called to order.  

During the Budget Hearing, the County's Finance Team announced even further efforts by our Department Heads and Countywide elected officials to reduce their budgets.  For example, an additional $100,000 was reduced from the County's General Fund budget.

After discussion on each fund, the County Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 was approved, but not after we were advised that the Finance Committee and full Board will continue to receive monthly status reports to see if actual revenues fall off from projections, allowing us a chance to review and amend the budget, if necessary.

With the budget approved, the Board then went into the portion of the Hearing related to the tax levies (actually asking for tax dollars) for the various County funds.

In reviewing the proposed estimates, the Finance Team conveyed that with an increase in the County's assessed valuation for taxable properties, we would be approving an overall tax rate decrease, from a 0.49866 tax rate to 0.49669 (a reduction of 0.00197).  The various levies were approved.

I would like to again thank everyone involved in the Budget and Levy process, as it takes countless hours for our office heads, County electeds, Finance Committee Chairman (and Committee), County Administrator, Finance Director, and countless others, to get us to where we could pass a Budget and Levy.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

September Board Meeting Report and County News

The September meeting of the County Board was held on the 28th.  The meeting began with a presentation from the Director and CEO of the Tazewell County Resource Center, Jamie Durdel.  Mr. Durdel provided the Board with an update on the various community initiatives and latest programs offered by the TCRC.  For those who have not heard of the great work TCRC does, its website summarizes its mission:

TCRC offers a wide array of programs and services that benefit persons with developmental disabilities and visual impairments who live and work in our community. The agency operates ten facilities located in Tazewell County, Illinois. Job training and placement, goal-oriented therapy, case management, day programs, help for the visually impaired, vocational services, homelike residential programs, and more, all have an important place in the TCRC goal of “Caring for Special People…Birth to Seniors.”

In other action the Board:

1) Approved an amendment to the zoning ordinance requiring a special use permit for outdoor shooting ranges.  Per our Community Development Office, this was originally planned to be part of the Zoning Code as part of the 1997 amendment;

2) Debated about current budgetary constraints, but approved several replacement hires; and

3) Approved the insurance premium structure for County employees for fiscal year 2017.



When the Board meets at the end of this month, it will hold two meetings: the monthly board meeting, and the hearing on the budget.  The final budget to be presented can be reviewed here (and it will take some time to load on your computer based on the file size).



1) Closure of Manito Road

The County Highway Department has issued a notice that Manito Road will be closed where it crosses the Mackinaw River for bridge replacement.  This is a significant project and current estimates indicate the road will be closed for two years.  This closure will begin on or about November 1, 2016.  To learn more about the detour using Townline and Wagonseller Roads or with questions on the project. do not hesitate to contact the Highway Department at 925-5532.

2) Illinois Constitutional Amendment

I had several constituents contact me regarding the blue notice received from the Secretary of State's office on a proposed constitutional amendment related to Transportation Funds.

In short, the proposed amendment would require revenue generated from transportation-related taxes and fees to be used exclusively for transportation-related purposes.  Should this amendment pass in November, the state would no longer be able to use these transportation funds for other purposes.  A "YES" vote would mean your support this change (prohibiting the use of transportation funds for non-transportation uses).  

Please let me know if you have any questions about this amendment or see the Secretary of State's website.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September Board Packet

The Tazewell County Board meets tomorrow night, so I have posted the packet and financial information on the blog's related tab.  Please let me know if you have any questions on any agenda item.

In other news - 

Our County's Emergency Management Agency has also announced that September has been National Preparedness Month.  Even though September is coming to an end, there are many important things to consider throughout the year.  From the EMA's press release:

1) The campaign’s theme, “Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today”, urges people to set aside time to discuss emergency plans with family members and develop a plan to stay safe when disaster strikes. 

2) Please feel free to view a short video encouraging you to plan ahead for disasters:

3) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) also offers disaster preparedness information on the Ready Illinois website , a one-stop resource for detailed information about what to do before, during and after disasters.

4) If you would like more information on emergency preparedness or planning for disasters please contact the Tazewell County Emergency Management Agency at or 309-925-2271.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

It's been a while!

My apologies for the long time between posts.  Since I last wrote, the County Board held its August regular meeting, and has begun its review of the Fiscal Year 2017 budget.

The August Board Packet and Accounts Payable are on the "Board Packets" page, and I also share the DRAFT minutes from the Board's August meeting here.

The original fiscal year 2017 budget in its entirety is available here.  As you can see, the original budget called for a deficit of $8.9 million.  The Finance Budget Committee met and requested that the office heads review and reconsider their budgets in light of that fact.  As of Friday afternoon, our County Finance Director, Craig Peters, has advised that the office heads have reviewed the request and the budget now shows a deficit of $5.7 million.  I am quite appreciative of their willingness to do so, and in such short order. Here is a breakdown Craig prepared to show the comparison:

If you wish to attend any Finance Budget Committee meetings to hear the latest on the budget, including everyone's efforts to consider additional options in light of the deficit, the next meetings are set for:

1) September 19 at 3:30pm;
2) September 20, immediately following the regular Finance Committee meeting.

Both of these meetings are to be held in the Carius Community Room in the County Justice Center.

In other county news:

1) An electronic recycling event is being hosted by Area Recycling and State Senator Dave Koehler from 9am - 1pm at Area Recycling, located at 14379 IL Route 29 South, Pekin. The event is free and open to the public.  If you have questions about the event (what is/is not accepted), please call 309.677.0120.

2) On August 26, 2016, Governor Rauner signed Public Act 99-900 into law.  Among other things, the law prohibits any County Board member elected or appointed after August 26 from participating in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (i.e., receiving a pension).  It also requires Board members in office before that time who still participate in IMRF to file a detailed record of their hours worked on a monthly basis.  The failure to do so will result in an immediate loss of IMRF participation.  You will recall our County Board voted to end its participation in IMRF several years ago for Board members.

This post contains a lot of information, so please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Friday, July 29, 2016

July Meeting Report

The July 27 meeting of the Tazewell County Board started with two reports from fellow board members:

1) Monica Connett (District 1), shared information regarding a fundraiser for a motorized wheelchair transport bicycle for Schramm School (donations can be made here); and

2) Carroll Imig, the Board's liaison on the Mackinaw Valley Water Authority, provided an update from his day in Springfield at the Mahomet Aquifer Stakeholders' Conference. Among other things, I learned that the aquifer (a water source for a large portion of our county) begins in Pennsylvania and runs to the Illinois River.

After these communications, the Board took the following actions (among other things):

* Approved an engineering agreement with Illinois Department of Transportation for the bridge replacement for Manito Road over the Mackinaw River;

* Appointed those on the County Clerk's Election Judge List; 

* Authorized a replacement hire for a Deputy in the Sheriff's Department; and

* Agreed to annual recycling grant payments to various municipalities for curbside recycling, including Washington and East Peoria.

IMPORTANT NOTE: while the Board approved the Election Judge List, County Clerk Webb confirmed that there is still a need for many more judges, especially for a Presidential election.  If you or someone you know (including older high schoolers with permission) is interested in serving as a judge, please contact the Election Division at (309) 477-2267.

Monday, July 25, 2016

July Board Packet and Financials

Tonight, I uploaded the packet for the July 27 board meeting, along with the accounts payable report. Please let me know if you have any questions on the items appearing for consideration, but I wanted to take a moment to thank all of our election judges who will be officially appointed for the November election during the board meeting.  November 8 could be a very long day for those judges and our County Elections Department, so I encourage you to also thank them when you go vote (either on Election Day or during early voting).

This fall will also bring our Finance Committee together in special sessions to review the draft Fiscal Year 2017 budget.  The calendar of budget meetings has just been released, and if you are interested, please feel free to attend any of the following:

September 6, 3:30pm - Finance Committee
September 14, 3:30pm - Finance Committee
September 19, 3:30pm - Finance Committee (if needed)
October 10, 6:00pm - Tentative Budget presentation to full County Board
October 26, immediately after County Board - Final Budget Hearing 

All meetings will be held in the Carius Community Room (101 S. Capitol Street, Pekin).

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Tazewell County Board convened on June 29, 2016, for its monthly meeting.  Our meeting began with several presentations, including:

* a contribution from the Pekin Dragons Hockey Team to our County Veterans Assistance Commission (VAC) for $2,400+.  The team hosted a "blackout night" in support of veterans, including the sale of commemorative t-shirts. The funds will be used to buy Kroger cards for those in the VAC program.  What a tremendous effort by this group of young people and their families! Thank you!

* the quarterly report from the Greater Peoria Economic Development team.  We received our County's 2015 "elevate" report, which focused on what was learned from visits by EDC representatives to businesses in the County.  Some of the achievements reported include: 45% of the businesses had increased sales, 59% had an increase in their market share, and 7% plan to expand in the near future.  We also heard from the EDC rural development coordinator, and learned about recent studies on various pilot programs for those areas throughout the five county EDC area, and how they may be used in Tazewell County in the future.

In its deliberative actions, the Board, among other things, voted to:

1) Approve the replacement of the existing county garage for the Highway Department using Motor Fuel Tax funds;

2) Approve the annual prevailing wage rate for laborers, mechanics and other workers; and

3) Approve the 1st and 2nd quarterly installment payments to the EDC, but on the condition that the full Board will review the EDC's performance on a quarterly basis.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the meeting.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

June Board Meeting Packet

I just posted the board packet and financial report for our June 29 meeting on the "Board Packets" tab.  Please let me know if you have any questions about anything on the agenda.

One important item appears on page 50 of the packet - the "FY 17 Budget Parameters." This item comes out of the Finance Committee.  When our Committee met last week, we discussed the guidelines we hope our county-wide office holders and other department heads will keep in mind as they prepare their budgets in these incredibly challenging financial times.  Certainly, these parameters cannot be used for every line item, but I look forward to hearing from and working with members of our team as a responsible budget starts to take shape.

If you have any question related to our upcoming budget process, please let me know.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

May Board Meeting

The Tazewell County Board convened on May 25th for its regular monthly meeting.  The meeting started with a report from the Committee charged with the re-dedication of the County Courthouse.  The public is invited to the ceremony to be held on the Courthouse lawn at 12pm on June 21, 2016.

Among numerous items on the agenda, the Board approved:

- the authorization of a Solid Waste Management Act grant for the Health Department;

- numerous low bids for road surface treatments throughout the County;

- the installation of a standby generator at the Health Department; and

- the annual fees for network and email licensing.

If you have any questions regarding these or other items on the agenda for that meeting, please let me know.

In other County news:

1) GPEDC Quarterly Report

The first quarter (2016) report from the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council has been received.  A copy can be found here for your review.

2) 2015 Audit Reports

Our external auditors recently finalized the audit of the County.  The following links are available so you can review the report(s) genereated:

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

My apologies for the delay, but I now have posted the agenda, board packet, and financial records for tonight's County Board meeting.

In addition, I also wanted to share with you the job description for the Finance Director position approved at our last board meeting.  If you are interested, please view it here.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

April Board Meeting Report

The Tazewell County Board convened for its monthly meeting on April 27.  

The meeting began with a report from Judge Paul Gilfillan regarding the efforts of our county courts administration team to obtain certification from the Illinois Supreme Court to have a Mental Health Court.  Judge Gilfillan discussed the goal of such a Court - identify low level, non-violent offenders whose illness is driving their crimes, provide oversight and treatment to reduce future offenses, and help them return to society.  This is a similar goal to the County's Drug Court, which is already in operation. The Board learned that there will be no financial request for the Court as it will remain solvent from the offenders' private health insurance, fees, and other coverage.  I would like to thank Judge Gilfillan and our entire courts team for their work on both Courts.

After the presentation, the Board turned to its main agenda, deliberating and voting to:

* Approve the installation of a standby generator at the Health Department;

* Approve the restructuring and organization of the County Board's Administrative Office, including the creation of the office of Finance Director and removing certain functions from the office of the Auditor.  While several of us were concerned about the timing and added costs, I do wish to thank my fellow board members and others who participated in a very civilized debate; and

*  Approve a proposal from the Recodification Committee to enter into a contract with American Legal Publishing, that will work with the Committee on a formal, legal review of the Tazewell County Code, which will lead to the publication of the entire Code online in a searchable format.  I would like to personally thank County Clerk Webb for coordinating numerous presentations from vendors who offer these services and all of our Committee members who thoroughly deliberated and made its recommendation.   

Monday, April 25, 2016

April Board Packet and Other Information

The April Board Packet/Agenda and Accounts Payable report have been posted.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

In other County News...

1) Illinois Department of Revenue Overpayment Error

As you may have seen in recent headlines, the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) uncovered a "misallocation" that has resulted in the "overpayment" of an estimated $168 million to the taxing districts of Illinois that receive Personal Property Replacement Tax (PPRT) payments.  These payments began when local units of government lost the power to tax personal property (with sole authority given to the state and in other limited circumstances).

Based on IDOR records, Tazewell County was overpaid $169,984.07, and there are countless other units of government (including schools) within the County who face similar situations.  It will be interesting to see what payment plan IDOR requires.

2)   Electric Aggregation

I have heard from more than one constituent about a recent letter they received from Tazewell County/Homefield Energy.  This letter relates to the electric aggregation contract between the two entities, which begins in June 2016 and is guaranteed until June 2019.  Under this contract, unless a residential or small business property owner "opted out," eligible Ameren customer accounts will be automatically enrolled in a program where the County (and other units of government) negotiate the purchase price of electricity.  No matter what entity purchases/supplies the electricity, Ameren is still required to provide the related delivery and service to you.  However, if during this contract, Ameren's electrical supply rates fall lower than the price offered by Homefield, Tazewell County residents have the option of returning to Ameren for supply at no cost. Again, no interruption of service/delivery will occur.  

If you have more questions, feel free to contact me, or I also encourage you to visit Homefield Energy's website on electric aggregation.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

March Board Meeting

As noted on my last blog post, a public hearing was held prior to the March 30 Tazewell County Board meeting.  The hearing was a "close-out/performance" hearing regarding Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) Grant No. 11-241002, which directly related to improvements to Wagonseller Road and other roads to support the expansion of Excel Foundry and Machine for job creation.

The public and county board members were allowed to ask questions, and presented a final report on the approved budget and expenditures.  Should you have any specific questions on the amounts, please let me know, but most importantly, the report demonstrated a true partnership between CDAP, IDOT, County, and Excel.

When the full Board convened, it:

* Approved the authorization of an application for public transportation assistance and a special warranty for We Care, Inc.;

* Heard a report from the Health Services Committee on the status of negotiations of a contract between Tazewell County Animal Control and the Tazewell County Veterinarian Medical Association on the ability to provide spay/neuter services using the Low Income Population Control Fund;

* Approved a cyber-liability policy for the County; and

* Approved appointments and re-appointments to various fire protection districts, the Tazewell County Extension Board, and the Farmland Assessment Review Committee.

Friday, March 25, 2016

March 2016 Board Packet and Agenda

This month's Board Packet/Agenda and Accounts Payable report have been posted to the blog. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions.

Before our March meeting, a public hearing will be held at 5:00pm where the County will review the impact of an economic development grant received to finance certain improvements in rural Pekin to support the expansion of Excel Foundry and Machine. Below is the full text of the Public Notice.  


Public notice is hereby given that Tazewell County will hold a public hearing at 5:00 p.m., March 30, 2016, at Justice Center Community Room, 101 S. Capitol St., Pekin, for the purpose of obtaining citizens’ opinions and concerns regarding the County’s performance and the activities it undertook under the Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP)/Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) it received from the State of Illinois.  The County received an economic development CDBG grant of $199,665.21 to finance a part of the costs of improvements to Wagonseller Road and Shady Lane in rural Pekin to support the expansion of Excel Foundry and Machine.  The County has expended the grant as well as some of its own and other funds, has completed the project and is now prepared to close out the CDAP grant.  Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate persons with disabilities or non-English-speaking persons in order to enable them to attend the hearing.  Such persons requiring special accommodations must notify the County a reasonable period of time ahead of the hearing.  Opinions regarding the County’s performance in executing the project and the activities undertaken may be made at the hearing or by writing Chairman of the Board David Zimmerman at 11 S. Fourth St., Pekin, IL 61554. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

February Board Meeting

Last Wednesday, the Tazewell County Board held its regular February meeting.

While I was unable to attend (due to an important family obligation at our church), I wanted to send out a report on the meeting and some new announcements from the County.

I have learned everything on the consent agenda passed except for the item related to the proposed contract with the Economic Development Council.  That contract was sent back to Executive Committee, so there will be further discussion there before the full Board sees it again.

If you have any follow up questions, please let me know.


In other news, the Tazewell County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is having a busy March with two events worth noting.

First, the EMA is seeking volunteers for the following teams: 

* Search and Rescue
* Damage Assessment
* Unified Command Post
* Communications

There are several entry level qualifications (County resident, etc.), but you are encouraged to contact the EMA with any questions or attend an Open House on March 6 from 2-4pm at the Emergency Operations Center at 21304 State Route 9, Tremont to learn more.  

Secondly, the EMA has announced a "storm spotter" training session that will be hosted by the National Weather Service at the Par-A-Dice Hotel on March 14 at 6:30pm.  There is no cost, and will take approximately three hours.  

If you have questions on either event, please contact the EMA at (309) 925-2271.

Monday, February 22, 2016

February Board Meeting Packet

The Tazewell County Board will gather this Wednesday for its monthly meeting.  I have posted the Board Packet and Accounts Payable for your review and consideration.  If you have any questions on agenda items or any of the accounts, please let me know.

In other news, early voting in the Illinois Primary has officially begun, and the County Clerk's office has announced numerous early voting options around Tazewell County (in addition to the permanent location at the Clerk's office in Pekin).  See this page for more details on options in Hopedale, Mackinaw, Delavan, East Peoria, Morton, and Washington in the coming weeks.

If you have any other questions about the election, including voting by mail, applications for a ballot for a hospitalized voter, or where you vote on March 15, do not hesitate to contact the Elections Division at 477-2267.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

January Board Meeting and Latest County News

The Tazewell County Board held its regular January meeting on the 27th.  

The meeting began with a video of congratulations regarding the national accreditation of the Tazewell County Health Department.  Out of 3,000 health departments in the country, I am proud to say that ours is one of less than 100 with this honor. Congratulations to our friends at the Department who help make us healthier!

The Board also heard from Jennifer Daly, the CEO of the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council.  Ms. Daly was present to provide us with a quarterly update, as required by our contract with the EDC.  One major update presented was the launch of the "Make Yourself" website, which offers a "one-stop career exploration resource for students, parents, and educators in Greater Peoria."  For more information, you can visit

Among action items taken, the Board:

1) Approved numerous intergovernmental agreements with cities and villages for Animal Control Services;

2) Approved the purchase of a message archiver for County email; and

3) Approved a collective bargaining agreement for the Highway Maintenance Workers.


Since that meeting, there are other County developments to report.

First, early voting for the 2016 primary election has begun at the County Clerk's office (11 S. 4th Street, Pekin).

Also, the Board's Ad-Hoc Rules and Recodification Committee met on February 4.  The purpose of this meeting was to hear the first set of presentations from vendors interested in helping the County publish its Code online.  The Committee has declared one of its priorities to be the publication of the County Code in a manner that makes it accessible to the public.  The Committee will hear additional presentations at its March meeting. These meetings are open to the general public.

Monday, January 25, 2016

January Regular Board Meeting Packet and Financials

The Board Packet for the regular January Board Meeting is up along with the Financial Reports.  If you have any questions on the agenda, please let me know.  One particular item of interest to me is on the "In-Place" Executive Committee meeting for the purchase of an email message archiver.  Per County Administrator Ferrill, this archiver will save (or archive) any email sent by or received by someone with a address, including County Board Members.  These documents will be retained until permission is received under the Local Records Act for destruction.  It sounds like (and I hope to confirm) that this will allow quicker "searchability" to locate emails whether needed internally or for a particular public interest (e.g., a FOIA request seeking specific documents).   

I also recently received information from the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission's Eastern Bypass Coalition.  As you may recall, I was appointed to that body last year to monitor and report back on various developments on the proposed eastern "ring road."  As part of our packet, we received a draft 2016 Objective sheet (available here).  This is a working document, so if there are any objectives or concerns you want me to share with the Coalition, please let me know.  The Coalition meets quarterly, so there is time to discuss this document before our next meeting.

Monday, January 11, 2016

January 2016 Special Board Meeting

Happy New Year, everyone!

It is hard to believe 2016 is here, but with it comes two County Board meetings in January.  In addition to our regular meeting on January 27, a special meeting has been called for this Wednesday, January 13, 2016.

The agenda and packet appear on the "Board Packets" tab of this blog.  As you can see, the meeting will focus on renewing the energy aggregation agreement with Good Energy, L.P.  This meeting is necessary to renew the agreement before the original expires.

As always, let me know if you have any questions about what you see on the agenda.

In other County news:

-  The County is in desperate need of election judges for the Primary on March 15, 2016.  

According to the Election Office, they work with five judges in each precinct during Presidential election years (including 2016).  As of today, they need 124 more to cover shortfalls.  This does not include extra judges in case an assigned judge gets ill or is otherwise unable to serve.

If you have any ability to serve, please consider contacting the County Clerk's Election Office at 309.477.2267.

-  County Health Department Presentation

On January 28, the Tazewell County Health Department will host a presentation on lessons learned from the recent outbreaks of Ebola in Africa, including a look at isolation, quarantines, and how such a situation would be handled locally (with any disease, including such common examples as tuberculosis or measles).

RSVP to the Health Department are due no later than January 22 - 309.925.5511.